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Rent a car in Lithuania, car rental in Vilnius, Kaunas and another cities, cheap car rent from Naniko
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Visiting a new country is good to have information about its culture, attractions , traditions , climate as well as the places where you can have fun in the evenings. Vilnius is a beautiful European city. There is a rich nightlife, clubs good indicator ripple city , their too much such as:
Brodvėjus creative people get together here , always a problem with seating , live music and a suitable interior.
Address: Mėsinių st. 4, Tel.:+ 370 5 2107208
Club Tamsta , is more of a rock club, here are the best group of Lithuanian club mainly designed for mature audiences on Wednesdays in the club, you will have a chance to sing with the accompaniment of professionals . Entrance fee and costs 2-5 euros.
Club Galaxy is a club where the DJ plays a lot of cocktails , a large dance floor , where 1,200 people until the sun comes up ,very noisy , fun, even there is a strip show.
Club New York Club This is a music hall, tickets paid 15 euros..
Club Havana Social Club is worth a visit
Club Malibu
We can say that Vilnius is very suitable place for a active vacation.