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Rent a car in Lithuania, car rental in Vilnius, Kaunas and another cities, cheap car rent from Naniko
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As a rule, planning a trip with its specific characteristics, which are determined by the particular territory or selected by us special needs, there is a need for some additional devices, which would help us to feel suitable comfort. For such cases, for all kinds of service package Naniko offers a range of additional services for car rent in Lithuania and ensures their availability in the period you have ordered and in the right place. Additional services are offered in a separate section of our website with a detailed description if required, with an indication of the daily fare. You can order any of them during the online booking, by phone or directly in our office.
Let’s look at some of the options:
Any car rented has one of the main drivers of the same tenant, but this does not affect that you could not share the driving pleasure with your fellow travelers. When booking you can add an additional driver, who will be subject to the same conditions as in the main driver. It is important to remember that each driver must be in possession of a valid driving license.
Currently we hardly imagine life without modern technologies, the absence of which, being on the road, would create a difficulty to navigate correctly on the area or be in touch with the rest of the world. These devices are the GPS navigation system and Wi-Fi connection, which also can be requested at time of booking and will allow without problems and stress always move along the right path.
Naniko offers an extensive high-quality car seats for children, which will ensure a safe and comfortable journey of younger members of your family. If you have difficulty in choosing the right seat you can always consult with our experts or browse the characteristics of chairs on a appropriate page.
If your trip is planned in the winter also here we can offer a lot of useful tools with which you will never have any obstacles in the winter weather. In the rental offices of Naniko at your disposal provided winter tires, snow chains, ski racks and more.
Winter tires required in accordance with the legislation of many countries in a certain time of the year. In most of our locations we provide them for free, while the other companies of rent will charge for this option. With easily mountable ski holder you can transport your sports equipment without any problems.